Can singing really reduce my risk of dementia?

29 Dec, 2020

There is currently no way to prevent dementia completely; however, some simple steps can help to reduce the risk! Can singing really reduce my risk of dementia?

Looking after our health is essential; high cholesterol and high blood pressure are also risk factors for dementia. So, what is right for your heart is good for your Brain.  Stopping smoking, cutting down on alcohol and be more active physically will help lower our risk of dementia and cardiovascular disease.

Scientists in a joint study at Harvard and Yale have found that singing could boost your longevity and reduce the risk of dementia. The study showed that singing could help lower blood pressure, improve brain health and reduce the risk of dementia. Other side effects were a significant improvement in the symptom of depressions and anxiety.

Singing for the Brain

Singing improves blood circulation, and this improves mental alertness, concentration, and memory.

The Alzheimer’s Society has a service called “Singing for the Brain” to help people with dementia and Alzheimer’s maintain their memories.

“Singing for the Brain brings people affected by dementia together to sing various songs they know and love in a fun and friendly environment. We also do fun vocal exercises that help improve brain activity and well-being.”

Endorphins are released during singing; these are chemicals within the Brain which us feel uplifted and happy. The very act of singing makes us feel happier and boosts our mood. It can help us access memories. We often have no idea that we know the words to songs until the music starts!

Can Singing Reduce the risk?

Yes, singing can help to reduce the risk of dementia, along with:

  • keep cholesterol and blood pressure under control
  • be active and exercise regularly
  • maintain a healthy weight
  • eating a healthy balanced diet
  • drink fewer than 14 units of alcohol per week.